Seuss On Books


“Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks.” ~Dr. Seuss



I, for one, take Dr. Seuss seriously! This is a small sampling of the wide variety of books, new to well-worn, that fill our home; stacked up in random piles here and there, next to beds, on tables, cabinets, and of course, shelves. 🙂

For more Dr. Seuss fun visit my February 22, 2015 post which includes a wonderful video rendition for grown-ups of Oh, The Places You’ll Go filmed at the  Burning Man Festival in the Black Rock Dessert of Northern Nevada.

The quote above is the second of three which I’ll be posting in response to the Three Quotes Challenge that Gabriele, who authors  Flights of Fancy, invited me to participate in. You can find the first quote here.

This post is also my response to Jennifer Nichole Wells’s One Word Photo Challenge: Book.

12 thoughts on “Seuss On Books

  1. Fox in Socks is my favourite. And books in homes should always be scattered in random piles. Organised shelves have their place and that’s in libraries. I love randomly choosing a book or finding an old friend when you’re looking for something else.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think my Favorite is Oh, The Places You’ll Go, but Great Day For Up is a very close second! I read that one as a kid and then to all of my kids… over and over and over again! Fox In Socks is good too 🙂
      I try to organize books in our home by category, but they wander out and congregate in random piles. I guess that shows that they’re loved and where our current interest lie 🙂

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    1. Thank you! After uploading the first two photos for the photo challenge: Book, I remembered the Dr. Seuss quote… So I added that and the third photo…
      One more quote to go for the Three Quote Challenge… I’ll see what materializes. The first two have been a silly. Maybe the third will be serious, but maybe not 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree ! Books are like friends. It would be lonely without a few around…. And they don’t take up much space if you don’t go overboard 🙂
      Me, my husband, and kids are almost never without a book or multiple books in tow!


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