One Word Photo Challenge: Marsala

This is a vineyard in Taurasi, Italy, a village where one of my great-grandparents was born, in the province of Avellino.

I took the photo on a drizzly day in November of 2009. The grape leaves had turned color for the fall, all shades of Marsala; perfect for this photo challenge!

While I was sharpening the image a bit and viewing it at full size, I discovered, to my surprise, that I had caught a little dog in the shot! Perhaps you can still find him even though I have reduced the size of the photo for the internet…
It could be like a “Where’s Waldo” activity 🙂
A vinyard in Taurasi, Italy.

Thank you Jennifer for this One Word Photo Challenge: Marsala.

13 thoughts on “One Word Photo Challenge: Marsala

    1. It seemed that the the wetness of everything made the colors brighter… Makes me think of those gorgeous gems of pebbles at the Oceanside…. They don’t look nearly as bright and vibrant once they dry out 🙂

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