Season’s Greetings!

With this post I would like to send out Easter greetings to anyone who celebrates this joyous holiday as we do in our home. I would also like to wish those who celebrate Passover, blessed holy days.

If you celebrate none of these and you live in the northern hemisphere, “Happy spring,” and if you live in the southern hemisphere, “Happy fall!”

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I took these photographs through the windshield of a car moving swiftly over the Abril Bridge in Lisbon, Portugal. I was disappointed. I was  just a tag along on the ride, not the driver, and so unable to seek a place to pull over to get good shots.

I kept the photos because they held a memory for me. I never dreamed I would share them publicly because of their poor quality. Then along came the prompt for this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge, “Blur.”  Today I share with you my glimpse of Cristo Rei, Christ the King, blurry as it is, just in time for Easter!

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